International SyTy Registry
About SyTy Registry About SyTy Registry
About SyTy Registry

International SyTy RegistryThe International Syclone Typhoon Registry is a non-profit organization that is focused on GMC Syclone, Typhoon, & Sonoma GT sportmachine trucks. We ensure to display the most accurate history, data and technical information available on these trucks. Along with sharing data, we actively are helping owners with the preservation of the Sportmachine trucks. 

ISTR offers an exclusive source of news and data that is regularly updated with information and latest events via our social media platforms and website. We are dedicated to the exchange of related information, parts, ideas and the mutual interest in the ownership and enthusiasm of the SyTySoGT trucks.

ISTR was formed by truck owners to share the history of our beloved trucks, but also to help maintain a community who are focused on preservation of these unique and rare production trucks.

We hope you enjoy the information presented on this website and welcome you to help contribute to the information. As we grow in membership, we plan to add features for owners and contributors who support making this place the best source of SyTySoGT information. We currently have some projects underway and will be releasing more information as it becomes available. We are excited to share ISTR with all SyTySoGT owners and enthusiasts and always look forward to contributing our knowledge and data with these special trucks.

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If you would like to make a direct donation to ISTR, please use the button below. Direct donations help such things as – operating costs, expansion in both technology based improvements and membership benefits, event sponsorships, and helping pay for acquiring and release previously unreleased data.

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ISTR is a non-profit organization operated by owners and enthusiasts of the SyTySGT. Information provided on this site is a combined effort of years of research and efforts of individuals who have put forth the time to acquire accurate information and data on these unique trucks.  If you would like to make a donation towards ISTR and help continue to make this information available on this site, please click here.